What is Gnosis?Gnosis is defined as "knowledge" and it refers to a knowledge gained through direct personal experience of what is real, of what is Truth. A Gnostic looks not to believe, but through personal mystical experience to know. This is a spiritual experience of the consciousness and it is this experience that has formed the basis of all mystical schools throughout history.
Gnosis is one of the oldest mystery schools still practiced today. The Goal of the Gnostic School is to take the students to their own direct experience of the mysteries of life and death. This is achieved through the study and practice of Kabbalah, Meditation, Alchemy, Runes, Esoteric Psychology, Kundalini, the Myth of Sophia, Art, Science and Philosophy. The Gnostic teachings are based on the communion between science, art, philosophy and mysticism; they seek to rescue the highest values of the human being in order to be able to comprehend that life is empty without the pursuit of transcendence and the self-realisation of the Being. This would not be possible without the development of superior emotion, which humanises science, sublimates art, elevates philosophy and crystallises mysticism. |
“Gnosis always appears at the crucial moments when humanity is stripped of its divine principles and gives then to man a new vision about why he exists and why he was created”

The Gnostic Society Gold Coast is a non-profit organisation based in Mermaid Waters and is supported by members.
We provide lectures, retreats and resources exploring the contemporary Gnostic tradition freely to the public. We are a part of the Gnostic Society (Samael Aun Weor) worldwide. For information on other locations around the globe, visit: http://www.gnosisaustralia.com.au/
Find out more about The Gnostic Centre
Public Courses are available twice a year - See Upcoming Events for what's available.
We provide lectures, retreats and resources exploring the contemporary Gnostic tradition freely to the public. We are a part of the Gnostic Society (Samael Aun Weor) worldwide. For information on other locations around the globe, visit: http://www.gnosisaustralia.com.au/
Find out more about The Gnostic Centre
Public Courses are available twice a year - See Upcoming Events for what's available.